Attorneys Trust Service

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

HIPAA Language

Incorporating The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 language into the Durable Power of Attorney for Property Management and the Advance Health Care Directive has become quite popular (42 USC § 1320d, 45 CRF § 164.502(g)). HIPAA grants the named agent(s) the authority to act on the principal’s behalf in making decisions related to health care. This act allows the named agent to be treated as the principal’s presently acting "personal representative" and extends the same rights to health care information as mandated by law to the principal. Offering updated Durable Power and Health Care documents would be a benefit to your current clients.

ATS incorporated this language into these documents in 2004. Call ATS for more information for providing these updated documents to your clients.


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